The Physical Layout manages the physical resources of your Web Site.
Physical Layout is organized exactly as the Windows Explorer. It has two panes: the first one shows an hierarchy of folders and files representing physical structure of your site in a tree form and the other one shows files and subfolders in each selected folder. Physical Layout is a full-featured explorer including drag-and-drop between panes.
Four views are available for the second pane: Large Icons, Small Icons, List, Details. They work exactly as Windows folder Views. The Details view displays information on the resource type, title, other resources using it.
Physical resources include:
You can create or import new resources, rename, move and delete them.
All the functions in this layout are available from three sources: Physical Layout menu, Physical Layout toolbar and the context-sensitive menus, which are loaded when you right-click on an item.
You can drag and drop images to the Physical Layout directly from Windows Explorer or any OLE compliant program.
To Create resource, right-click the folder where you want to create the new resource, then choose Create the desired resource. A resource with the default name Resource# is created.
To Rename resources, right-click the resource to rename. Click on its name or select the resource and choose Rename. Type the new name.
To Delete resource, right-click the resource to delete and choose Delete. Resource or folder with all its subfolders and resources will be deleted.
To Move resource, select it, then simply drug it to its new location.
To Set as Default Folder, right-click it, point to the Set as Default Folder For in the context menu and choose the appropriate resource type from the list.
You can set the selected folder as default for FrameSets, Pages, Free Pages, Dynamic Pages, Images, Multimedia Resources, Java Resources, CGI Scripts, NavBars, and Styles.
When you create logical site elements in the Logical Layout, all associated resources are automatically created in the appropriate default folders.
When you create resources in the Physical Layout, no associated objects are created in the Logical Layout.